DYNDY Reader AC-Adaptor 0.8
The crisis goes on, and so does DYNDY in its effort at proposing new effective landscapes for structurally counteracting the institutionalization of austerity. The goal is to set viable standards for beginning to live the future of money, in the present. During the past year, DYNDY has been critically active within Hacklabs, Social Centers and occupied theaters, alongside with international policy institutions like the United Nations, academic circles, the Complementary Currency... Read More
Designing the Credit Commons: Autonomist Cooperative Direct Credit Clearing
The under perfoming state in which the global monetary system finds itself today invites to seek for more viable alternatives to perpetual repayment of coumpounded interest-bearing debt. The Credit Commons in the form of re-appropriation of the means of production / creation of money are the natural evolution to a post-capitalist economic system, and society. The goal is to democratize money by reverse-engeneering the existent clearing system and eliminating the need for... Read More
Occcu: Occupy Currency – Basic-Income Global Community Currency
Alternative forms of money are designed to compete directly against global financial power, and this is a good news. Indeed, on 28 January 2012 at the gates of the World Economic Forum held in Davos, it was presented to the media a new version of community global currency, i.e. the OCCupy-CUrrency or Occcu. The project has been developed in Austria by a team of students led by Roland Alton Scheidl at Vorarlberg University of Applied Sciences with the aim to offer a Basic-Income... Read More
Our Future, Our Money: the Design of Currency Systems
“The only way to learn is by doing. [The point is] to learn in order to realize goals that were previously considered as unimaginable”. Michael Hardt and Antonio Negri. Capitalism is ontologically (and almost economically) dead, thus we do not need the kind of transitory revolutions that characterized the relation of opposition between those who produce real value and those who simply invest capital for production to occur. Another transitory revolution would cause... Read More
The Solution offered by the Analogy with Process Ecology: CCCs – Community and Complementary Currencies
In the money creation process, the monopoly of a monoculture of national currencies frames a system, which is constitutively characterized by a significantly fragile structure. The eventual focus on the efficiency of the system in processing higher and higher volumes of national currencies toward necessary growth for increasing the size of total global trade has meant the total distraction from the care of those systemic parameters, which are necessary to safeguard a sustainable... Read More
The Analogy with Process Ecology applied to Monetary Economics
The analogy between process ecology and monetary economics will give those required underpinnings for allowing a smooth monetary shift from a mature industry society to a new post-industrial one through the definition of new kinds of agreement, which will complement the conventional one. Indeed, by the endorsement of newtonian physical determinism, industrial society stood on the assumption that the world is predictable and, therefore, information for its management has to be... Read More
Process Ecology: the lesson from Nature for assessing the Monetary System
Orthodox monetary economics impels a conception of modern bank money, which cogently shape – and adversely influence – the performance of the conventional monetary system. However, there is room for arguing in favor of solutions. “We now have scientific evidence that a structural fault is indeed involved in generating financial crashes”. – Bernard Lietaer In particular, modern bank money triggers system’s failures, i.e. banking and monetary... Read More
Ecology of Money
People who say it cannot be done should not interrupt those who are doing it. – Jack Canfield and Mark Victor Hansen An ‘ecology of money’ seeks the careful management of the conventional monetary system in a sustainable way both by mimicking natural ecosystems’ structure and by adding new currencies through tailor-made discursive and textual practices: new agreements formulated in natural language and new ways to deal with transactions’ management by... Read More
Post-Modern Monetary Economics
A rhizome does not begin or end, it is always in the middle, among the things, inter-esse, intermezzo. The tree is an affiliation, a rhizome is an alliance, just alliance. The tree imposes the verb <<being>>, but the rhizome has as a texture the conjunction <<and… and… and…>>. Gilles Deleuze and Felix Guattari – Mille Plateaux Mille Plateaux – Capitalism and Schizophrenie is a masterpiece of Post-Modern thought. It... Read More
What is that which you count? Money as a Relation of economic agreement
In comparison with orthodox monetary economics, there are pragmatist, semiotic, linguistic and social considerations that offer a broader and richer inter-disciplinary scope of analysis for a sound unfolding of money’s ontology, which in turn brings about a new working definition of money: from an object in the ninetieth century to a tool in the twentieth one, money is now ontologically thought of as a relational ens, namely the inter- subjective agreement in the adoption of... Read More