
Dyndy.net started in 2009 as a research project constituting a subject for academic publications, but also as an on-line platform to compile a pattern language on the too human topic of Money.


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D. J. Roio(photo: F. Cramer)

Originally trained as a linguist, Jaromil is a theorist and developer, PhD candidate at the Planetary Collegium, University of Plymouth, where his research focuses on philosophy of technology, biopolitics and economy.
Jaromil’s software creations are recommended by the Free Software Foundation and redistributed by several GNU/Linux/BSD operating systems worldwide; he is a board member of the Free Culture Forum and a fellow of the Asian European Foundation, active in R&D at the Netherlands Media Art Institute and developer for the dyne.org network.
In 2009 and together with Brian Holmes, Jaromil was honored with the Vilém Flusser Award.



marco sachy

Radium (photo: De Balie, Amsterdam)click for hi-res

Radium, PhD, is an experienced Digital Transformation consultant leveraging analytical and qualitative research methods coupled with agile software design techniques to advance the state of the art in Distributed Ledger Technologies (DLT).

Radium has been an in-house consultant at Dyne.org think &do tank co-designing and delivering open source software implementations for digital Social Wallet and Zenroom a smart contract virtual machine during the works of four EU funded Horizon2020 projects: D-CENT; PIE News / the Commonfare Platform; DECODE, and LEDGER.

Radium holds a BA in Philosophy of Language (Univerista’ degli Studi di Milano), an MA in Philosophy and Economics (Erasums Universiteit Rotterdam) and a PhD in Critical Management and Organization Studies awarded by University of Leicester School of Business.

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