The Social Wallet: free software to tackle the corona-crisis
As this website and other connected projects document, we have been developing public interest technology that in these critical times can be deployed to promote new practices for the social and common good. The current corona-crisis pushes us to reflect on our relationship with money, privacy, surveillance and freedom of economic interaction much more urgently than ever before. The... Read More
FREECOIN – Research, Design and Technical Documentation
During the past two years, the DYNDY crew has been busy researching, designing and coding Freecoin at think&do tank for the EU/FP7 project Decentralized Citizens Engagement Technologies, the D-CENT project. Within D-CENT, Freecoin... Read More
The Freecoin ToolChain
The experimentation on the Digital Social Currency Pilots in D-CENT can be conceived as an open-source approach to decentralized complementary currency design, which becomes ever more relevant where pilot communities are already actively designing tools for collective engagement and decision making on monetary economic matters affecting their communities. D-CENT is going to prototype... Read More
DYNDY Reader AC-Adaptor 0.8
The crisis goes on, and so does DYNDY in its effort at proposing new effective landscapes for structurally counteracting the institutionalization of austerity. The goal is to set viable standards for beginning to live the future of money, in the present. During the past year, DYNDY has been critically active within Hacklabs, Social Centers and occupied theaters, alongside with... Read More
Bitcoin, the end of the Taboo on Money
Bitcoin is a decentralized system of digital authentication that facilitates the circulation of value on the Internet without the presence of any intermediaries, a characteristic that has often gained it the definition of digital cash or crypto currency, since it can be used as money for payments. This article consists in a technoetic inquiry into the origins of this technology... Read More
Designing the Credit Commons: Autonomist Cooperative Direct Credit Clearing
The under perfoming state in which the global monetary system finds itself today invites to seek for more viable alternatives to perpetual repayment of coumpounded interest-bearing debt. The Credit Commons in the form of re-appropriation of the means of production / creation of money are the natural evolution to a post-capitalist economic system, and society. The goal is to... Read More
Occcu: Occupy Currency – Basic-Income Global Community Currency
Alternative forms of money are designed to compete directly against global financial power, and this is a good news. Indeed, on 28 January 2012 at the gates of the World Economic Forum held in Davos, it was presented to the media a new version of community global currency, i.e. the OCCupy-CUrrency or Occcu. The project has been developed in Austria by a team of students led by Roland... Read More
Towards Money as a Common: the Digital-Coin Rule for a Free Society
The issue around the nature of money is critical in present economic times. We are in a situation whereby the incapacity to re-define how we deal with money could resolve in an a severe damage to society as we commonly refer to it: contrary to what happens with information systems, there are no backups with money systems. Since the Internet revolution – and also as parts... Read More
Bitcoin presented to the Old-world
Just back from the 10th edition of the EPCA conference held in Amsterdam, where I was a shoulder for my friend Genjix: bitcoin developers were invited to talk about Bitcoin to a specialized audience of mostly >50 years old banker types in suits, with very few exceptions. Genjix presenting bitcoin in EPCA2011 The incipit of the conference booklet recites: “Over 200 transaction... Read More
Freigeld: the relational ontology of money in practice
Freigeld: FreeMoney for reacting to the Great Depression According to Prof. Thomas Greco, during the years imediately after the Great Crash in 1929, “besides learning how to ‘make do, or do without’, people began to establish mutual support structures, like workers’ cooperatives, many of which would recycle and repair donated or broken items. People learned to share... Read More