An ancient collection of web links on Economics
Shuffled concepts, in alphabetic order.
ABCUL – Association of British Credit Unions
Antonioni, Peter (Guerilla Economics)
The Association for the Study of Peak Oil and Gas
Bank of International Settlements
Bates, Larry (New Economic Disorder)
BBC News – Finance crisis: in graphics
BBC – The layman’s finance crisis glossary
Bird, John and Fortune, John (Subprime Crisis)
Brown, Lester (Earth Policy Institute)
Center for Economic and Policy Research
Collateralised Debt Obligations
Daly, Herman also
on Video
Delicious tags:
Denis, Andy (City University London)
Dostoyevsky, Fyodor – Фёдор Миха́йлович Достое́вский – (“The Gambler”)
Douthwaite, Richard (Short Circuit)
Elliott, Larry and Atkinson, Dan – “The Gods That Failed”
Financial Standard (Australia)
Fisher, Irving (Debt-Deflation theory)
The Foundation for P2P Alternatives
Glass Steagall Act (1933, repealed 1999)
Godin, Seth – Ponzi schemes (and pyramid schemes)
Green Room Stocks (Subprime Crisis Explained)
Harrison, Fred (director of the Land Research Trust):
on the Guardian UK,
on Moneyweek,
on Global House Price Crash
Heinberg, Richard (The Endangered US Dollar)
Hertz, Noreena also on Wikipedia
Hudson, Michael (Institute for the Study of Long Term Economic Trends)
Hutton, Will (Work Foundation/Observer)
International Development Economics Associates
Islamic economics/finance/banking:
Islamic Economics on Google, Islamic Finance EU.
Kabbalah interpretation:
YNetNews, Kabbalah Today on money crash.
Karmabanque (Max Keiser and Stacey Herbert):
Karma Banque Radio, Max Keiser
Kay, John – “The Truth About Markets” (2003)
Keegan, William (The Observer)
Krugman, Paul: New York Times, at MIT
Laitman, Michael (The Remedy for the Global Crisis)
Lambert, Jean – Green Work publication
Leeson, Nick (the orchestrator of the demise of Barings Bank in 1995)
LETSLink UK (alternative currency)
Lewis, Martin – Money Saving Expert
Mackay, Charles (Memoirs of Extraordinary Popular Delusions and the Madness of Crowds)
Meacher, Michael (MP): Economics, Finance
MDP – Measure of Domestic Progress (alternative to GDP)
Michell, John (Umungu – Civil Society’s Response to the Financial Crisis)
Million Campaign Homepage network:,,,, MCH worldwide Facebook group, MCH UK Facebook group.
Mish’s Global Economic Trends Analysis
Moulton, John (Alchemy Partners)
National Institute of Economic and Social Research (UK)
P-CED (People Centred Economic Development)
Paul, Ron (Congressman) –
“Mobs, Messiahs and Markets”
Phillips, Kevin P. (Numbers racket)
Political Economy Research Institute
Prokofiev, Sergei – Серге́й Серге́евич Проко́фьев – (“The Gambler” – Игрок)
Rogers, Jim: Quantum Fund, CASH is King.
Roubini, Nouriel: RGEMonitor, Pessimist on NYT.
Schechter, Danny (News Dissector)
Schiff, Peter (Euro Pacific Capital)
Sovereign Wealth Funds: on FT, and on IMF.
Tett, Gillian (Financial Times)
Tobin, James (Tobin Tax Initiative)
Transition Culture (Transition Town movement)
US debt clock runs out of digits (BBC News)
Warburton, Peter (Debt and Delusion)
Webb, Merryn Somerset (Money Week)
Williams, John (Shadow Stats – Shadow Government Statistics)
Wolf, Martin (Financial Times)
X-Rates (International Exchange rates)
Yeomans, Thomas (The Credit Crisis Lie)
Workgroups and Communities
Grassroots Economic Organizing (GEO)
Workgroup on Solidarity Socio-Economy
Co-operative Socialism: Theory and Practice
Roger A. McCain’s web site on the ‘Cooperative Commonwealth’
The ‘One Human Family’ Perspective & Program
Dollars and Sense: Special Section on the Solidarity Economy